Our Achievements

From small beginnings…

Founded in 2018, and operational since 2019, Local Transit has achieved much for passengers, clients and wheelchair-accessible transport in Melbourne in its short lifespan. As a small company with large ideas, overcoming the hardships of covid in the early 2020s proved our resilience and ability to make a positive an impact in the community.

Our commitment to benefitting the community

  • Income generating work provided for 80 disadvantaged drivers.
  • Providing over 61,000 hours of employment for drivers.
  • Over 30,000 trips to-date for people with restricted mobility – mostly those with disability and the elderly.
  • Delivered over 2,000 parcels.

Our commitment to providing transport solutions for people with restricted mobility

  • Solo provider of wheelchair-accessible shuttles and emergency transport for Metro Trains Melbourne.
  • Over 80 projects undertaken in the public transport arena for government organisations.
  • Partnerships with the Victorian government, disability organisations, local councils, training bodies, aged care providers, and transport organisations.
  • Innovative public transport trials and confidence building initiatives for users with disability.

Our commitment to improving accessible transport in Melbourne 

  • Engaging with state and local government.
  • Implementing new models of operation using novel technology.
  • Best practice service implementation and operating policies and protocols.
  • Coupled with driver training in operations, compliance, customer service and safety.

Please contact us for more information.